Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What is Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, and why should you care?

I'm sure many of you have noticed that I'm offering several workshops this summer to teach you about this super cool style of yoga I've been practising lately.   Over the winter, I spent several hours in front of my computer screen watching online core strength vinyasa training with Sadie Nardini and Tyler McCoy.  I immediately began integrating elements of the style into my teaching, and over the past few months have shifted my teaching to mostly reflect the this style.

Core Strength Vinyasa isn't a system like astanga or Bikram is a system.  The cool thing about csv is that it can be used within any existing practice.   Core Strength Vinyasa is all about the transitions, the way we get in and out of our postures.   Anyone who has practised with me over the past year after writing The Space Between blog post is probably aware of how much I dig transitions.   I love the ability to suspend time between our postures as we mindfully move in, around and through them.  So it is no wonder I feel deeply drawn to the core strength vinyasa style.  .

But, there is more to this style than really cool transitions.  Sadie Nardini has created CSV though the use of cutting edge anatomy information.   Her teacher, Leslie Kaminoff, author of the book, "Yoga Anatomy" has greatly influenced the way Sadie approaches practice.   Along with Kaminoff, Sadie also applies Tom Myer's work from Anatomy Trains.   In csv, we work with what is called the "deep core line" or the "deep front line" as per Tom Myers.   This is a myofascial train running through the body, it originates at the feet, travels behind the shins, along the inner thigh, over psoas, through the pelvis, up through the organs and through the neck ending in the tongue.   You can see Tom Myers dissect the dcl on a human cadaver in this you tube video.

Using the therapeutic modality set out by Kaminoff, and the Anatomy Trains information, Nardini created her system allowing us to best access the dcl which in turn creates greater strength, and stability in our postures.  Have you ever been in a pose and feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders or your thighs? When you learn to access the dcl, you will see an amazing transformation in your practice.  You will stop holding your poses from the outer body, because you'll be keeping it together at your deepest core.   It feels incredible!  The outer body relaxes and you will get a true sense of sthira sukham (effort & ease).

Through this style you will begin to discover hidden strength in the body, and before long you will see some major changes both on and off the mat.   Posture improves.  But, best of all - you will begin to see those pesky yoga injuries diminish.   As a long time practitioner of more linear styles of yoga, I was continually facing injury of some kind.  Hips, shoulders, wrists, hamstring attachment, and the always pesky SI joint.   I've learned that these are not just side effects of practising or teaching yoga, but all of these chronic injuries are totally preventable with the right alignment.

I want to share this information with you and show you how you can transform your practice this summer!  The first workshop is this weekend, and there is still lots of space left for you to sign up! 

July 19th at Mind's Eye Yoga Center 1:00 - 3:00 ($40)  - The Space Between, flow anatomy & foundation - This workshop lays the groundwork for the csv system.  I will teach you about the dcl and how to access it using the 7 core cues.  We will work though all the transitions and then apply it all to our practice.  You don't want to miss this one - see how incredible it can feel to move in a new, more intuitive way as you flow through your yoga practice.  

July 26th at Hot Yoga Regina 1:00 - 3:00 ($30) - Rock Your Arm Balances.   You will not believe what using the 7 core cues can do to your arm balance & inversion practice.  Combining csv alignment with some old fashioned physics, we will begin to do some pretty cool stuff with our bodies.  Perfect for that facebook profile pic or to spice up your instragram page!  Also, lots of fun.

August 9th at Mind's Eye Yoga Center 1:00 - 3:00 ($40) - Finding Freedom, backbending antomy & foundation.  You've never done a backbend until you try using the 7 core cues to enter into one!  Discover incredible openness and spaciousness as we hack our way into this incredible heart opening practice.

August 21 at Mind's Eye Yoga Center 7:00 - 9:00 ($40) Twisted, twists foundation & anatomy.   Twists are the best, they feel good, they are good for you.  This workshop will give you some great twisting knowledge and then we will move through a multi level csv twisting practice exploring all kinds of twists with opportunity to explore binding as well.

August 23 at Hot Yoga Regina 1:00 -4:00 ($45) The Space Between, HOT flow anatomy & foundation - Same as above, except we will turn up the heat for the last hour and experience csv at 37 degrees.  Heaven.

August 28 at Mind's Eye Yoga Center 7:00 - 9:00 ($40) Rock Your Arm Balances.  Same as above!

Come to one, or all!   Try our the arm balances in July at Hot Yoga Regina, then come back in August to Mind's Eye and check in!  If you sign up for all four workshops at Mind's Eye, you will get a discount, $140 for all four workshops.

You can click the tab at the top of this page to register online for the Mind's Eye workshops.  If you want to register for the Hot Yoga Regina workshops, visit their Mind Body website and click on the classes tab, then choose workshops, and the date you want to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact me via comments or by phone 306-551-3497.


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